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Termos Literários: Epopeia/Epic

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Termos Literários: Epopeia/Epic Empty Termos Literários: Epopeia/Epic

Post by SteelInferno Mon May 16, 2016 7:29 am



LiteraryDevices.Net wrote:The word epic is derived from the Ancient Greek adjective, “epikos”, which means a poetic story. In literature, an epic is a long narrative poem, which is usually related to heroic deeds of a person of an unusual courage and unparalleled bravery. In order to depict this bravery and courage, the epic uses grandiose style.

The hero is usually the representative of the values of a certain culture, race, nation or a religious group on whose victor of failure the destiny of the whole nation or group depends. Therefore, certain supernatural forces, deus ex machina, help the hero, who comes out victor at the end. An epic usually starts with an invocation to muse, but then picks up the threads of the story from the middle and moves on to the end.

E-DTL wrote:Epopeia - Designação de origem grega para o género literário também chamado poesia épica, ou poesia heróica, ou ainda simplesmente épica (como substantivo), que denota um texto poético, predominantemente narrativo, dedicado a fenómenos históricos, lendários ou míticos considerados representativos duma cultura. O vocábulo pode igualmente estender-se a um conjunto de acontecimentos históricos percorridos por um determinado «ambiente» mitificador.

Source/Fonte: Literary Devices, E-DTL

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