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Words with no direct translation: Partygoer / Convidado de uma festa

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Words with no direct translation: Partygoer / Convidado de uma festa Empty Words with no direct translation: Partygoer / Convidado de uma festa

Post by Kangas Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:54 am


Convidado de uma festa

Every language has its own individuality and of course the culture of the countries where it’s spoken have a great influence in the way it evolves. In the English language we tend to create verbs and nouns for certain actions or people that you can hardly find a direct translation in any other language.

This weeks’s word is “partygoer”.  This word has no direct translation in Portuguese. In Portugal you use to word “convidado” (guest) to describe all types of guests, including those in a party.

Source: Collins Dictionary Online, Dicionários Infopédia

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